Upgrading the Newsletter

Morning Coffee 14: July 18th, 2022

Feeding Rose this morning. Good morning! This week’s newsletter will be written on the road. Just picked up two large coffees from PJs, one for now, one for my thermos. Headed to go film in Baton Rouge. Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

  1. Upgrading the Newsletter
  2. Photoshoot
  3. Mood Muse”(ic)

The Box

Upgrading the Newsletter

I’ve been building up to this moment for awhile now. This is the week that the newsletter switches for everyone. No more having to click to read it. When you open the email you see the writing I did for that week. This has been in the making for months now. Hope you like it.


A few days ago, I did a shoot for my friend Matt’s new motorcycle. Was some more practice with night photography. The next day I was able to practice with my Instagram Stories. I like the way they came out.

Mood Muse”(ic) Vol. 1

Euterpe-(The Muse of Music & Giver of Delight”). Modern Day Inspiration.

My friend Richard started a playlist series last week. I helped him sequence it, calling myself the executive producer” of the project. It’s inspired by the goddesses of Greek mythology. Follow him on Apple Music to keep up with each volume. Here’s the first one.

  • 9 Muses of Greek Mythology
  • 9 playlist volumes
  • Each playlist has a theme that highlights the main quality of each muse
  • Modern Day Inspired
  • Collection of R&B/Blues/Alternative/Rock

This is Morning Coffee: a weekly newsletter that arrives in your inbox every Monday morning. I write about productivity, technology, and cool things I find on the internet. My wife wants this to be my only job, so pay what you want, purchase my books on Amazon, or join my Music Program.

Built an arcade cabinet. Made 100 coffees in a row. Released two books on Amazon. Celebrating Rose turning two. Working from home for a big company. Last updated: June 26th, 2024.

Morning Coffee

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