July 2024

Cartoons On The Go

Hide Your Apps

How to Setup A Mac

Timestamp Journaling

June 2024

Observations From The Beach

How To Pack For Destin

Reduce White Point

A New Reeder

May 2024

Rustic Sky

A Bear That Blogs

Kendrick v Drake

A Home Arcade

April 2024

An Obstacle Course

Delta Is Here

The Sequential Life

A Beam of Light

Building Blocks

March 2024

Ramping Up

A Weekly Video

100 Coffees

The Last Two Digits

February 2024

The Auxiliary Exchange

A Gamer’s Nightstand

Spatial Computing

January 2024

Handhelds and Elbows

How to Make Lists

A Refreshed Calendar

Dots and Boxes

December 2023

The Year of Clarity

Built an arcade cabinet. Made 100 coffees in a row. Released two books on Amazon. Celebrating Rose turning two. Working from home for a big company. Last updated: June 26th, 2024.

Morning Coffee

Latest Issue: Cartoons On The Go

Latest Issue: Hide Your Apps

Latest Issue: How to Setup A Mac

Latest Issue: Timestamp Journaling

Latest Issue: Observations From The Beach

Latest Issue: How To Pack For Destin

Latest Issue: Reduce White Point

Latest Issue: A New Reeder

Latest Issue: Rustic Sky

Latest Issue: A Bear That Blogs

Latest Issue: Kendrick v Drake

Latest Issue: A Home Arcade

Latest Issue: An Obstacle Course

Latest Issue: Delta Is Here

Latest Issue: The Sequential Life

Latest Issue: A Beam of Light

Latest Issue: Building Blocks

Latest Issue: Ramping Up

Latest Issue: A Weekly Video

Latest Issue: 100 Coffees

Latest Issue: The Last Two Digits

Latest Issue: The Auxiliary Exchange

Latest Issue: A Gamer’s Nightstand

Latest Issue: Spatial Computing

Latest Issue: Handhelds and Elbows

Latest Issue: How to Make Lists

Latest Issue: A Refreshed Calendar

Latest Issue: Dots and Boxes

Latest Issue: The Year of Clarity