Daily gamer. Making music again. Working at our local hospital. Playing basketball twice a week. Being a dad to a little girl. Preparing for our new babies. Last updated: February 7th, 2025.


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Morning Coffee 26: October 10th, 2022

At the coffee shop. Medium roast. Just finished writing this week’s newsletter. Now time to study. Say hello.

Table of Contents

  1. Homecoming
  2. HEY Email

The Box


My sister asked me to take photos for their homecoming. Even though it was crowded and I felt rushed, I’m happy with how a few of the photos came out. I’m just thankful that they have a second homecoming in a few weeks, and I’ll have a second chance to do better.

I’m learning the difference between taking photos at my own speed versus dealing with limited time and added pressure. This also aligns with my new self-discovery: My love for photography isn’t the same as doing a photography job.

I love taking photos when I’m wandering around and searching for a shot. It’s a peaceful and therapeutic hobby. But it’s the complete opposite when expectation is involved. I’m starting to understand the difference between the two.

HEY Email

I’ve been using HEY for awhile now. There’s so many good features about it that I love (The way it handles spam-or even screening out things that aren’t spam but you never want to see-is at the top of the list), but what I want to focus on is its three sections:

  • Imbox
  • The Feed
  • Paper Trail

The email we get everyday isn’t one type, and these three sections separates this for me.

  • Paper Trail gets all those little emails we never really look at, but want to keep just in case. Bills, charges, logins, etc.

  • The Feed gets those emails that we subscribe to, like newsletters, or promotional emails that we sign up for.

  • Inbox gets everything else. The essentials. When you weed out all the other stuff, what’s left are those emails that we use to move things along. Conversations, projects, unfinished jobs.

What I use most in HEY is merging and renaming. Usually when we deal with email, it’s more than one, and often times it doesn’t come from the same person or company.

If you’re building a studio and you have emails from Lowe’s for lumber, Best Buy for equipment, and a conversation with the contractor, you can merge all those emails from different places into one thread, and then rename it Building a studio”. A very tidy way to bring all that together.

This is Morning Coffee: a weekly newsletter that arrives in your inbox every Monday morning. I write about productivity, technology, and cool things I find on the internet. My wife wants this to be my only job, so pay what you want, purchase my books on Amazon, or join my Music Program.

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