The Shrine Hunter: Exploring Creativity, Fitness, and Adventure
Morning Coffee 45 — February 20th, 2023
Table of Contents
- Home Screen
- nashbot
- Fitness Status Board
- The Shrine Hunter
Good morning. At the coffee shop, wrapping up the newsletter. This is a big one for a few reasons: I’ve done some cleaning up to the structure. Each area is a little tighter and more defined. I’ve also approached this one with a different level of focus and polish. Hope you like it. “Black liquid in mug. Fingers dancing on the keys. This is Morning Coffee.” - ♢
As I gazed into the flickering screen of the box, I felt a sudden jolt of electricity surge through my body, pulling me into a terrifying world beyond my control. - ♢ I’m watching The Last of Us and Your Honor. Also watching BibleProject daily. Playing Breath of the Wild and Mario Kart. Reading Can’t Hurt Me. Learning ChatGPT. Organizing 1Password. Watching lots of YouTube videos. Like this one that explains how the world is made of funnels.
Current Home Screen
My current Home Screen is two widgets and four apps in the dock. The widgets: Fantastical and Carrot. The dock: Messages, Notes, Fantastical, and Things.
Introducing nashbot, my website assistant. I gave it years worth of ideas to see how it reacts, and what it gave back was astonishing. As a one-man operation, having a bot assist me feels like science-fiction, and I plan to use it as such. Excited to see how AI enhances my creative projects. Look for the ♢ symbol. That’s when nashbot was used to assist. - ♢
Fitness Status Board
I built a status board on my phone. As I’m running on the treadmill, I have my iPad on the left, playing a movie/show, and I have my phone opened up on the right opened to this widget screen, showing me all this data at a glance.
The four apps from these widgets:
With this status board, I’m tracking these metrics:
- How many steps left until 10,000?
- How many calories left until 800?
- How many minutes left until 30 minutes?
- How many calories burned did I intake?
The Shrine Hunter
The Nintendo Switch. OLED. The map hud is off (pro mode). The screen is empty with only the world in front of me to explore. Using the scope, I can see a spec of glowing orange light miles away. It’ll take me forever to travel there. That’s the beauty of all this. Using headphones, there’s a quiet ambience throughout the world that shouldn’t be missed.
It feels lonely and peaceful as I travel for hours. Don’t progress the story. Only search for shrines. Mountains are climbed, gliding down to a very specific area that seemed interesting. There might be something down there to add to my inventory.
I look through the scope again, then begin walking east. The Shrine Sensor begins beeping as I approach the glowing temple. This is only one. There’s over a hundred of them.
This is Breath of the Wild.