The Architect: Crafting a Better Story

Morning Coffee 46: February 27th, 2023

Good morning. At my local coffee shop. Tap tap tap. Writing out today’s newsletter as we speak. This week tells the story of a lot of different processes falling into place and landing in one location. Let’s begin.

Table of Contents

  1. Replacing a Screen
  2. Crafting a Better Story

The box was more than a device. It was a gateway to other worlds. A portal to new dimensions. Snowfall. Cortex. Zelda. Miyoo Mini.

Replacing a Screen

I replaced the screen on my Miyoo Mini. It was a very unique process to get the screen (contact a random site, at a specific day, start chatting with them, for them to open up a special shop for me to order the screen, and then wait weeks for it to arrive). I followed a how-to video on YouTube on how to replace a screen, and thankfully everything went smooth. Now I’m back gaming on my little gameboy”. Minish Cap.

Crafting a Better Story

For the past week, I’ve gone all in on Craft, using it for everything in my day. It’s become a central hub for most things I’ve talked about here.

  • Newsletter Drafting
  • Activity Log
  • Video Game Tracker
  • Bible Study
  • Bookmarks
  • Artificial Intelligence

I’ve planned out this week’s newsletter in there. I also built a place for me to prepare for all the week’s ahead.

I’ve put my entire Morning Coffee archive in there, which is where the above screenshot is from (I made this document public, another great feature Craft offers).

My activity log, where I list out my day, fits in Craft’s daily note feature, where a calendar appears with a bullet list of what I’ve been up to.

My game tracker, and the progress I’ve made on each game, is here as well. The cover image feature really pops, giving me a nice card view of everything I’m looking at. Inside each of these notes is a full list of all the chapters for the game, and I check the chapter off as it’s complete.

During church Sunday, I wrote my notes in Craft. The process of writing, and then the finished product, was something I was really excited about. The share feature really shines in moments like this too. Instantly, these notes were available to anyone I shared them with (I also made this note public).

For bookmarks, I have a folder in Craft called World Wide Web”. This is where I’m storing all the links on specific topics. Using the cover image feature again, I can quickly see what each card holds. All of my links on health go in the Health note, tips on organizing go in the Organizing note, and so on. This is a very clean and simple way to manage all the links I hold on to.

This last point is one of the main reasons I considered Craft again: It’s new AI Assistant. All of my notes and ideas are now just a /“ away from asking Craft for help. It feels like I’m chatting with a real person at times as I press the /“ command and give instructions about the current text. As I wrote about it last week, this makes so much sense for a one-man operation. Craft is helping me move this AI project along even more.

This is Morning Coffee: a weekly newsletter that arrives in your inbox every Monday morning. I write about productivity, technology, and cool things I find on the internet. My wife wants this to be my only job, so pay what you want, purchase my books on Amazon, or join my Music Program.

Built an arcade cabinet. Made 100 coffees in a row. Released two books on Amazon. Celebrating Rose turning two. Working from home for a big company. Last updated: June 26th, 2024.

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