A Refreshed Calendar

This is Morning Coffee 92. My wife wants this to be my only job, so pay what you want, purchase my books on Amazon, or join my Music Program.

Good evening. Writing you while watching Daddy Finger on tv. Rose is jumping from her stool to the bean bag, over and over (all while running around without a diaper, as she potty trains). Enjoying this three-day weekend by doing house projects (empty workshop, remodeled bathroom) and playing Wind Waker on the Pocket 2S (most of the playing was tinkering to add mods to graphics and gameplay). As always, hope this letter finds you well.

Table of Contents

  1. Home Screen
  2. A Refreshed Calendar
  3. Farewell Artifact

Home Screen

A Refreshed Calendar

Look close at this screenshot. Notice how many jobs this one app is doing for me: Countdown, habit tracker, reminders, and a work schedule that can hide in the background, all inside of this little calendar.

Farewell Artifact

Artifact is shutting down. I’ve been using it for the last few months to post little segments from the newsletter, and because of that, I was hitting record numbers each month since. It was the first social media” app that worked for me that well. And now it’s gone. Was good while it lasted.

This is Morning Coffee: a weekly newsletter that arrives in your inbox every Monday morning. I write about productivity, technology, and cool things I find on the internet. My wife wants this to be my only job, so pay what you want, purchase my books on Amazon, or join my Music Program.

Built an arcade cabinet. Made 100 coffees in a row. Released two books on Amazon. Celebrating Rose turning two. Working from home for a big company. Last updated: June 26th, 2024.

Morning Coffee

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Latest Issue: A Refreshed Calendar

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